High Throughput Analysis of Photocatalytic Water Purification.

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TitleHigh Throughput Analysis of Photocatalytic Water Purification.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
JournalAnalytical Chemistry (Washington, DC, United States)
Pagination7612 - 7617
AuthorsRomao, Joana, David Barata, Pamela Habibovic, Guido Mul, and Jonas. Baltrusaitis
PublisherAmerican Chemical Society
ISBN Number0003-2700
Keywordsphotocatalysis wastewater kinetic decolorization

We present a novel high throughput photocatalyst efficiency assessment method based on 96-well microplates and UV-vis spectroscopy. We demonstrate the reproducibility of the method using methyl orange (MO) decompn. and compare kinetic data obtained with those provided in the literature for larger conventional photoreactors. To demonstrate the capabilities of the method, we rapidly screened the effects of salts, potentially present in wastewater, on kinetic rates of MO decompn. and discuss the obtained data on the basis of existing literature. [on SciFinder(R)]