Reactions on Atmospheric Dust Particles: Surface Photochemistry and Size-Dependent Nanoscale Redox Chemistry.

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TitleReactions on Atmospheric Dust Particles: Surface Photochemistry and Size-Dependent Nanoscale Redox Chemistry.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Pagination1729 - 1737
AuthorsRubasinghege, Gayan, Sherrie Elzey, Jonas Baltrusaitis, Pradeep M. Jayaweera, and Vicki H. Grassian
PublisherAmerican Chemical Society
ISBN Number1948-7185
Keywordsreview airborne dust nanodust reaction, size depended nanoscale redox chem airborne dust review, surface photochem airborne dust nanodust review

A review concerning new mechanisms and reaction pathways identified in lab. studies of atm. mineral dust and nano-dust (potential new source of metal-contg. dust from engineered nano-materials) components, particularly surface photochem. and size-dependent, nano-scale redox chem. is given. [on SciFinder(R)]